Infographics to support online teaching

We’re pleased to share two new infographics that have been created by our talented graphic designer Asma Hussain to support the teaching our Transform modules. The first focuses on motivating and engaging students, and the second on providing formative feedback. Both infographics suggest a range of techniques and recommendations for online teaching that are built upon evidence based practice.

We adapted the idea for the inforgraphics from a similar item produced by the University of Surrey Assessment and Learning Lab called ‘Feedback Opportunities in Online Learning‘. The Lab has made their work available under a Creative Commons licence which gives us permission to reuse, adapt and share the work ourselves. Both of the UCEM Infographics are also made available under the same licence (CC BY SA 4.0) for reuse and repurpose. We would love to hear from you if you have feedback on using the infographics.

Screenshot of student motivation and engagement infographic
Download the Student Motivation and Engagement infographic
Screenshot of formative feedback infographic
Download the Formative Feedback infographic