ALT Winners! The Digital Education Team

This year we were shortlisted for the accolade of ‘Learning Technology Team of the Year’ by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), which is the leading professional body for learning technology in the UK. We were thrilled on Thursday 16 December when we received the Bronze Award at ALT’s Award Ceremony! We have learned that this year’s entries were extremely competitive and we are so proud to put UCEM on a pedestal for its commitment to provide quality fully online education with our students at the heart.

Teams screenshot of the digital education team and academic colleagues waving
Digital Education team coming together with our academic colleagues for the awards ceremony.

Our award entry focused on the collaborative working practices that we have brought into the module design and enhancement processes, which in itself we have developed significantly over the past year to embed new approaches, standards, pedagogies and processes. Whilst the award means so much to us, what has really struck home is the amount of support from our academic colleagues, many of whom joined us to watch the virtual ceremony, and the vocal praise from across the institution – from our immediate colleagues we work with on a daily basis right through to the university college’s Board of Trustees. This isn’t just a team thing – it demonstrates how a whole institutional approach to online education can place digital education experts in partnership and on a par with academic staff, to design learning that is at the forefront of the sector.

You can read our submission and those of the other award winners on the ALT Awards Showcase.

Twitter post: @StudyUCEM We are keeping our fingers crossed for our digital education team at this evening's 
 Awards! For more about the team's shortlisting, including the thoughts of our head of digital education, 
, visit
Twitter post: 
@RuthGrindey Replying to 
@LynneDowney @KTDigital
So proud of the team - well done all 
Twitter Post: @wendyfinlay

Wishing you all the very best of luck!! Such an amazing team, doing incredible things for our students - you have my vote!! Raising hands
Twitter post: Andy Youell

 and the whole Digital Education team at 
 for third place in the #altcWinter21 team of the year. Brilliant result for a small, specialist institution.