Inspire Session: Using Virtual Reality (VR) in Construction

I am delighted to announce that on 13th of March  afternoon we will be having a very special Inspire Session with  demonstrations on how VR is used in construction for UCEM staff.

A girl wearing a VR headset

Our guest speakers for the day are:

  • Dr Xavier Laurent – University of Oxford
    Xavier has a PhD in Psychology with a focus on experimental research, where he developed computerized episodic memory and attention tasks in a virtual environment to quantify memory recall. As a learning technologist in Academic IT Services, he conducts regular workshops on visual perception and psychology applied to web design, usability testing for virtual learning environment (VLE), and the use of various technologies to support learning and teaching at Oxford
  • Stephen Taylor – University of Oxford
    Stephen is the Head of the Computational Biology Research Group that provides computing support for bioinformatics analysis at the University of Oxford. He is interested in improving human computer interaction and software interfaces in the biosciences. Currently he is investigating the use of Virtual Reality in scientific analysis, visualisation and interaction. Steve is also a co-founder and CSO of Zegami an image analysis and visualisation platform, which is an Oxford spin-out company.
  • Phillip Hunt – Mobikats 
    Phillip is the CEO of Mobikats and co-creator of P360M project management tool for iOS and Android. P360M was born from his successful mobile app development agency Mobikats, which he created in 2008.  Phillip has always worked on the edge of technology, initially for companies like Microsoft in the 90s, to setting up his own development agency 10 years ago. He loves working on projects which enable new ways for users to connect and draw value from technology. Leading onto an interest and focus in the world of AR, VR and in the future MR. All providing new ways to augment human and computer interaction. His current focus is in how the world of VR and AR can be used in the world of construction and management of large physical projects. His business has developed the first 360 degree photo based project reporting tool and is also looking at how VR can be used for training.

Session details:  45 min presentation followed by demonstration(s).

VR and AR in Construction

  • VR comes in different flavours: Low to high cost VR
  • VR for architecture
  • VR for training from 360 video to fully interactive ‘Game like’ experiences
  • VR for employee candidate selection
  • Day to day use of 360 photography for construction project management and health and safety management
  • Overview of AR, from mobiles to mixed reality glasses
  • AR applications in construction
  • The future of VR, AR and MR


  • VR training based on 360 video using Google Cardboard, Daydream and Oculus Go
  • P360M day to day project management / reporting tool, utilising 360 cameras
  • Demonstration of employee candidate selection tests using VR apps

More details and registration link will be provided in February. Look out for this information in UCEM Bulletin.